Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Croatian Chronicles: Sveti Donat

Even though I'm calling these chronicles, they aren't going to be in chronological order. I'm too eager to share these photos of the church I've already mentioned. I don't remember when I have felt so enchanted by an architectural space.

For tonight, I think I'll just post photos with minimal comments, and next time will add a bit of the history.

Perspective from the first floor, looking up:

On the first floor. All light is natural, coming in the windows:

And now going up to the second level:

Views on the second level:

I was caught singing (while no one else was in the church besides us.) The acoustics make it impossible not to sing there. It's as if the space is simply waiting for music to come and fill it:

I sang parts of "Lux Aeterna," Eternal Light, because the way the light and the curves shared the space, and have been doing so for at least ten centuries, it was easy to feel a connection that went somehow beyond time.

Tonight, however, I am limited to the restraints of time and will leave more photos for the next post.

And now you can see why we fell in love with Sveti Donat.

1 comment:

Cindy McMillion said...

Oh my! How beautiful these photos are: so full of white and light and air!