Ours came from Grandmother's yard, making them that much more special.
And they have a special friend who gets to watch the full show year after year.
He was a surprise of sorts, also. I felt my garden wasn't complete without St. Francis. But so many of the St. Francis statues I see are just.....well, let's just say they're not my style, though clearly many people like them.
But one day while browsing during lunchtime among the statuary at a flower shop near my old work place, I found one that I loved. I couldn't get him that day, but I made a note of it and planned to return.
When I went back some weeks later to the statuary place to get him, he wasn't there. I couldn't find him anywhere. So I described him to the woman working there. The best St. Francis I'd ever seen. With a more ancient look, not the popularized style. Not a standing statue, but flat, for hanging. She looked and looked and finally found a mold, and showing it to me, asked, "Does this look like what you're talking about?"
I couldn't remember exactly, and seeing a mold is not the same as seeing the molded object, but it was very close if not the same, and he was holding a dove, so it probably was the same. At any rate, I liked this one, so I had them cast it for me and went back to get it a couple of weeks later.
Only after I got home did I realize that my "St. Francis" has a key hanging around a waist. I have a sneaking suspicion that I brought home St. Peter by accident.
Peter or Francis, I love the statue. We had some surprise lilies that rose up in the field where my mother's home place once stood on the day she died. That was very, very nice and a great comfort to us all.
How wonderful, Mike! I have imagined planting daffodils on my grandmother's grave and still haven't done it. Not sure it's "legal," but I can't imagine why not. Maybe I'll do it this fall. Thanks for the reminder, as I tend to only think of it in spring.
Great pictures.
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