I bought these dishes the first or second year of our marriage, in Zagreb, Croatia. They are still in our house in Croatia and haven't been used in a good long while.
The last time I was at my cousin Laura's house I noticed some dishes she had, and if I'm not mistaken, they are the same as my Zagreb dishes. It was the strangest feeling, seeing those there in her Middle Tennessee home!
So last year when I was in Croatia I took these pictures, but haven't been to Laura's since then.
So I'm posting them here for her to look at and see if they actually are the same, or if I was mistaken. (Also because I figure why pay for processing when I can put it here for free?)
If they are the same, it will be really interesting. Laura and I have noticed other things we've decorated our homes with that are the same, chosen completely independently. But this would be the most amazing "Oh, that's just like the one I have...." to date, as far as I'm concerned.
(It also says a lot about the global economy, I guess, but that doesn't excite me very much.)
I like the pattern on the dishes.
I never knew you all still had a home in Croatia. That's interesting in that you have a home to go back to in a totally different country.
Yes, it could make us sound like well-to-do members of the jet set, I suppose! It's just because I married an only child, and most houses there are built for extended family, and my in-laws had no desire to rent the space out while we've been away.
It is nice when we go to be able to sleep in our own bed.
Super.Baš mi ovo dobro dođe za učenje jezika. Istina da sam već godinama na istom nivou ali se trudim. Odkud samo crpiš teme, baš su originalne. Pozdrav tebi i mom školskom kolegi Draženu.
Darac from Puscine (Croatia)
I like that feeling when you see something very familiar in another setting. They are pretty dishes.
I'm glad to have the Croatia connection explained!
Darac-- majka moja! Kakvo iznenadenje! Mislim da vas niti ne poznam (??), ali mi je jako drako da ste nasli ovaj blog.
Bila sam izvan grada, ali sada sam doma i cu reci Drazenu sto ste se javili.
Lucy--Yes, we plan to return and live in Croatia eventually. Would love to have you come visit someday.....
Opa...to be trebalo biti "drago," ne "drako."
Umorna sam od aviona/zrakoplova....
I just tagged you! Now you can write a new post!
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