I may be biased, but I think my little second cousins are terribly cute.
And of course this is due to their being the children of my first cousin, who looked an awfully lot like her younger daughter (top photo) when she was about that age! And is sweet and smart, and was always well-behaved.
It's wonderful to have extended family. Even though we don't see each other nearly as often as we did when we were the young ones, it's a lovely thing to call somewhat up and know you'll be welcome to stay, even if they are in the midst of building a new garage, moving furniture, and one of them teething.
As it worked out, I was able to help out a bit by giving some pointers on how to use a metronome to the older girl, and watching the two littlest while all the moving was going on, so I hope that made up for the extra sheets that had to be washed the next day.
When I count my blessings, I count cousins.
(With apologies to the older son; I didn't get a picture of him, what with the moving and all going on once he came home.)