Thursday, January 04, 2007

Eleven Pumpkins Sitting

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me . . . .
Actually, I bought these pumpkins before Thanksgiving, but I loved them and then loved the photo I took of them. And since there are eleven, today seems like a good day to share them with you.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, I met a man who goes by the name King, because that is what they call him in the chopper group he rides with. Yes, he drives a black Harley. And he knew half the people walking in the park. "That woman is a psychiatrist . . . . Let's go that way, I need to give something to my friend whose brother just died . . . . That man in the Melrose jacket, he used to be a basketball star, couldn't you tell?" King also recently has discovered a love of growing vegetables in a friend's gardening. Never stereotype a Harley driver.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, our doggies had to stay inside all day because of the rain. They dealt with my parents' lunch visit, two piano students, and a perfect stranger who came for a meeting. And they behaved wonderfully the whole time. Never assume that your puppy will not eventually calm down and learn to behave.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, our house is cleaner than it has been in a long time, and I'm hoping I can keep it cleaner in the future. Never forget how nice it is once the work is done.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my muscles are sore from working out, something else I hope to do more of in the future. Never forget the advice I heard recently from a chiropractor: you can have pain now because of your discipline, or you deal with worse pain later due to your lack of discipline.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, I think of the "Eleven" piece from Sesame Street so many years ago, with the woman singing in her funny soprano about so many things. (And I just found it on YouTube! What fun!) I had forgotten about the worms yawning. And who knows, we may hear worms yawning all the time and just not recognize the sound . . . .

So, here's to lovely pumpkins, friendly neighborhood bikers, good health, discipline, and yawning worms.

Merry Christmas for one more day.

1 comment:

Gioietta said...

Thanks for sharing, especially about King, the harley guy who likes to grow veggies :) I wanted to tell you how I LOVE the pictures you take. I really think you have a talent, you eye can catch the most simple yet profound moments of everyday life.